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Thursday, March 17, 2016


by: Kaitlin Schuh
Leaving your family for a few days can be hard, but imagine leaving them for nine months to travel across the world. Alessia Severgnini is a foreign exchange student from Italy who came to the United States on August 24. She has become a part of the Little Chute High School as a senior. Throughout her time here she has made some amazing friendships and unforgettable memories. It was an honor to be able to interview her about her time here in the United States.
Q: What’s the biggest difference between the United States and Italy?
A:  The US looks really different from Italy. Everything's bigger here. Almost everyone here lives in a house with a garden while in Italy the majority of the people live in apartments and the towns are much bigger even if there's the same number of people living there.
Q: So far what do you like the most here in the U.S.?
A: I really like the school spirit here. We don't have clubs or sports at school so it is nice to see how everyone is involved in school.
Q: What is one thing you don’t like about the U.S.?
A: Something that I don't like about the US is that if you don't have a car you can't go anywhere because there is no public transportation.
Q: What are some things you have done here that you’ve never done before?
A: Before coming here I had never been to a football game. No one plays football in Italy, everyone loves soccer. I really liked to see everyone cheering.
Q: What is your favorite restaurant here?
A: Buffalo Wild Wings
Q: If you ever got the chance to come back to the U.S., would you?
A: I would love to travel back here sometime, but I also want to see other places in the U.S.
Q: Back home in Italy what do you do in your free time?
A: In my free time in Italy I usually don't do much. I just go out with friends to the movie theater or maybe shopping so it's pretty boring there.

Aleissa will be returning back to Italy on the 7th of June. Over her time here in the United States, she definitely has made some memories and overall had a fantastic time here!

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